文章  ( 16 )
访问计数 152743 (自2016年5月)

What is micROS?

Robots, as one of the most remarkable novel products in the Third Industrial Revolution, are developing in much the same way that Personal Computers did 40 years ago. The most important system software for robots, robot operating system, will be the key driving force for this trend. However, most of the current robot operating systems mainly focused on development of applications on individual robotic platform. The micROS Team aims to design and develop micROS, a Morphable, Intelligent and Collective Robot Operating System for future collective and collaborative robots.

The Architecture of micROS

Inspired by the organization structures of collective robots, we designed for micROS the overall distributed architecture which consists of lots of individuals (nodes) interconnected and the layered structure for each node which could be robots, computers or humans. Networking is the basis for constructing the distributed architecture and real-time is a distinguished feature of micROS.


Distributed architecture of micROS

micROS is installed on each node of the collective robots and has the layered structure for each node as shown in the figure below, which consists of the core layer and the API layer. The API layer is responsible for interaction and programming interface. The micROS core is divided into resource management layer and behavior management layer. The former is to manage the resources in physical domain, information domain, cognitive domain and social domain. The latter behavior management layer is made of observation, orientation, decision and action modules.


Layered structure for each micROS node

Research topics

In order to implement the above-mentioned architecture and achieve efficient resource and behavior management for collective robots, we currently focus on the following research topics.

Distributed framework for collective robots

  • Inter-operability based on wireless communication
  • Ubiquitous computing and data-driven techniques
  • Real-time computing

Morphable resource management

  • Multi-domain resource abstraction and management
  • Morphable and adaptive mechanism for heterogeneous resource management

Collective behavior management

  • Autonomous observation and collective perception
  • Autonomous orientation and collective cognition
  • Autonomous decision and collective game
  • Autonomous action and collecitve dynamics
  • Intelligent behavior computing model

Programming language and development environment

发布时间:11/16/2015 13:30
王彦臻 TO  micROS | News
发布时间:06/13/2016 10:01
更新时间:06/13/2016 10:01
The paper "Autoscanning for coupled scene reconstruction and proactive object analysis" by Kai Xu et al. was accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2015. More details can be found on the Publication page.
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王彦臻 TO  micROS | News
发布时间:06/13/2016 09:50
更新时间:06/13/2016 09:50

Two papers from the micROS Team were accepted to PRICAI 2016:


2) Multi-level occupancy grids

More details can be found on the Publication and Projects pages.

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王彦臻 TO  micROS | People
发布时间:06/09/2016 21:02
更新时间:06/13/2016 09:27


Lidong Chen Bo Ding Weihong Fan Jinlin Guo Deke Guo
Tianjiang Hu Li Liu Hui Liu Keju Peng Xuefeng Peng
Dianxi Shi Peichang Shi Yanzhen Wang Rui Wang Zhiyuan Wang
Kai Xu Shaowu Yang Wei Yi Xiaodong Yi Bo Zhang

Dongxiang Zhou Yun Zhou Huayong Zhu


Zaile Jiang


Ph.D candidates:

Dongdong Bai Xiang Fu Ruibin Guo Zhongyuan Guo Wanrong Huang
Zhaowei Ma Manhui Sun Jiefu Tan Dengqing Tang Xiaoqiang Teng
Yunlong Wu Pengfei Zhang Boxin Zhao Hang Zhou Xin Zhou

Master students:

Hui Bao Chi Ben Zhongxuan Cai Xuefeng Chang Huiming Che
Mengxiao Chen Ben Hu Fu Li Minglong Li Yiying Li
Yingjun Liu Yunfei Liu Chongyu Pan Yu Tian Shangmin Wen

Hai Yang Bo Yuan Yanqi Zhang

Undergraduate students:

Chaoqun Wang


Canben Yin

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王彦臻 TO  micROS | Courses
发布时间:05/14/2016 16:38
更新时间:05/14/2016 16:49

Free download: Ubuntu+ROS image

To facilitate the installation of ROS (especially when a reliable Internet connection is not available), we created an Ubuntu image with ROS pre-installed, with which you can install both Ubuntu and ROS in one go. It is based on ros-indigo-desktop-full, with essential environment variables set up. After installation, you can still download and install any ROS packages you need.


  • OS version: Ubuntu 14.04.3 64bit
  • ROS version: ros-indigo-desktop-full

If you want to give it a try, please follow the link here: ubuntu-ros-indigo-v1.0.rar.

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王彦臻 TO  micROS | Courses
发布时间:05/12/2016 16:14
更新时间:05/12/2016 16:29

Free download: A Gentle Introduction to ROS (Chinese Version)

Prof. O'Kane's famous book "A Gentle Introduction to ROS" has been translated into Chinese by Dr. Junhao Xiao. We have posted the preprint version of the book here with permission from Dr. Xiao. It can be freely downloaded for research or teaching purposes. However, it cannot be used for commercial purpose without permission. All rights preserved by Dr. Xiao.

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王彦臻 TO  micROS | Projects
发布时间:03/05/2016 11:54
更新时间:03/05/2016 19:45

Research Projects

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     Subsumption model on ROS                            Multi-camera vSLAM

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           Structure-aware RRT                              Dynamic object removal



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创建时间:12/21/2015 16:30
创建时间:11/16/2015 13:18